Now that you’ve got your coaching website up and running, you’ll want to be easy to find. Luckily, there are many SEO practices that make your site easily searchable. Additionally, you’ll want to avoid anything that can get you in trouble. Being familiar with online laws and regulations is very beneficial for your coaching business. Here are a few tips on boosting your SEO, making your website more accessible, and familiarizing yourself with internet rules.
Utilizing SEO
For any WordPress site, there are resources to help boost your SEO. The Yoast SEO plugin is a great way to utilize SEO practices. Beyond that, you’ll have many factors to keep up on for your website content. For example, the right title can be very helpful for both posts and pages. You’ll want a title that’s 70 characters or less, making it simpler and more searchable. Keywords are another positive way to boost your SEO. Utilizing meta descriptions with keywords will help readers find you easier and understand your coaching services more deeply. Beyond those basic SEO practices, you can install plugins such as SumoMe, which assists social media sharing.
Using Google Analytics
Getting to know Google Analytics a bit better can help you understand how people view your website. Understanding those numbers can help you decide what you should change in order to get more traffic. Additionally, if you use Google Adwords alongside Analytics, you can sync the accounts together for an easier experience. While viewing the Google Analytics, you should keep a log of the performance on your site. By checking on the analytics at least once a week, you can further see what you’re doing right and what you need to improve on your site.
Obey Online Rules
While this is not legal advice, it is definitely essential for your website. You’ll want to make sure you’re following all the rules of maintaining a website. By making sure your site doesn’t violate any laws or regulations you’ll make sure you don’t find yourself in a stressful situation. Often times, the best thing to do is simply speak to your legal team about what to look out for. You should also take a look at Small Business Body Guard for tips. Simple acts such as citing all outside material will also help you avoid any copyright issues. Furthermore, including a cookie disclaimer and visible privacy policy will be very beneficial to your website.
Here’s PART 2 of the complete Coaching Website Checklist.
Here’s PART 1 of the complete Coaching Website Checklist.
Download our Printable Website Coaching Checklist below to make sure your website is converting prospects into clients and delivering an outstanding user experience as well.