So you’ve decided to start up a coaching business.
But before you start popping the champagne and breaking out the party hats, you’ll need some tips on how to set up a successful coaching business.
Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can set up a successful coaching business.
Download our complete “Setting Up A Successful Coaching Business Checklist” checklist below for a complete breakdown of everything (from business cards, to agreements, and email templates) you want to have ready to setup, promote, grow, and rock your coaching business.
Determine Your Unique Value Prop & Niche
While many factors play into the success of performance coaching, let’s talk about something you’ll need more than anything: uniqueness. You need to determine what you can offer that nobody else can. You don’t want to be the store brand version of a performance coach. You want to be the real deal! To do that, you need to determine your unique value proposition or niche.
Now you may be wondering what exactly a unique value proposition is. Basically, the value proposition is a statement you make that does a few different things. First, your unique value proposition should detail what your business does. How will it change the life of your potential customers? Secondly, you must highlight what sets your business apart from the rest of the pack. You must explain to the customer why you are better than the competition. Do you have a lower price? Better service? Better credentials?
Protect Your Coaching Business
How do we at Performance Coach University teach these types of skills? Working with Business Lawyer Rachel Rodgers from Small Business Bodyguard is a good start. Rachel offers a very unique program entitled “Legal Nunchuks”specifically designed for coaches. Every Performance Coach Training grad learns from Rachel, who teaches our coach training students how to avoid legal issues in the business world. This is vital for any new business, as a legal disaster can be very costly.
Pricing, Contracts, Website
Something vital to creating your performance coach business is devising a plan for your entire package, including pricing. Everything from the length of your contracts to the way you schedule appointments is very important. Additionally, a website is an integral tool for your business. With an about page, call to action, and contact information, you should be very approachable to potential clients.
Following these tips will help greatly with your career. In addition to this information, practices such as using business cards, proper networking, and finding a mentor can be exponentially helpful.
Performance Coach University is here to take you even further.