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5 Daily Tasks To Grow Your Coaching Business

What are the 5 best ways to grow your online coaching business?

What are the 5 best ways to grow your online coaching business?

What are the 5 best ways to grow your coaching business? Do you have this dialed in? If not, we have answers for you. We will be going over 5 daily tasks to grow your coaching business.

As a coach, whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned pro, there is no shortage of ideas on ways to grow your coaching business. However, the fastest way to burn yourself out is to go after every single idea that crosses your mind or is presented in a yet another Facebook ad…

That said, we wanted to share with you 5 things you can do daily to grow your online coaching business.

First things first: How did we narrow it down to 5?

Any successful business owner knows (or should know) the critical drivers of their business. That is, what are the things that MUST happen that drive revenue. When they don’t happen, leads and revenue plummet. Those 5 things are called critical drivers.

So here are the critical drivers to growing your personal coaching business(es) that are foundational to what we do every single day to make an impact on the world and on our clients.

If you want to start implementing these:

5 tasks to grow your coaching business

 (don’t forget to download the checklist below)

1. Check in on client’s performance and send feedback or action-oriented questions.

So for most coaches, this may seem like a lot. However, if you’re charging a premium for your service, which we do, this is a must. Furthermore, the best way to attract new clients is to create raving fans, so we are regularly in touch with our coaching clients, to keep them accountable and eagerly working towards their goals.

2. Attract and Nurture our online community

Instagram and Facebook is a must every single day. As the market shifts, so should your communication tactics. Currently, a large amount of our audience comes from Facebook and Instagram, so we are actively posting, commenting, and SERVING our community to deliver tools, inspiration, and performance tips that help make an impact in their lives, leading them closer and closer to their goals.

3. Facebook live Broadcasting

Our goal is to record a Facebook live daily. Crazy right? No really. When you see how many lives you’re able to touch via Facebook live, you’ll be REALLY impressed. Plus if you put something as small as $20 behind a video, you’ll see your views and impact triple. This has helped generate a nice amount of subscribers, leads, and even coaching clients. At a bare minimum, we at least post Instagram stories. Video allows your community to connect with you and instantly build rapport. Much easier than a static picture and text. Plus the ability to talk live with your community has truly helped people in ways we could only dream of years ago. Moral of the story: take advantage of new technology.

4. Content creation

We are actively creating content to share with the world. We share this via email, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn. We shower the interwebs with performance coaching tools, insights, and research to help them become the happiest, healthiest, and most fulfilling versions of themselves. If we notice traction around a specific topic, we make sure to create a variety of different content to address that topic. Sometimes this ranges from what’s happening in the news, a new trend, or reoccurring questions and comments from our audience.

5. Make an Offer

After we’ve delivered tons of value, we make an offer to take their performance to the next level. While some feel a bit dirty when it comes to sales – it’s not. In fact, many times when we have over delivered in ‘free’ content and added tons of value, people have felt disappointed that we didn’t offer them anything they could invest in. I’m not kidding. Truly we’ve received feedback saying, I was a little bummed you didn’t tell me you had (coaching, programs etc). That is why every single day we make sure to let our community know – after delivering heaps of content – where they can find or purchase a program, product, or coaching services to finally achieve those goals they’ve been chasing.

None of this can be done however if you don’t start with you. Your mindset behind the importance of each one of these critical drivers is just as important to your success. If you want to grow your coaching business, you must have the right mindset and intentions behind the goals you’re personally looking to achieve. Why is it you’re here? Why are you in business? If it’s just to make money – people will smell it from a mile away. The heart of coaching must always be to serve first. The money will follow. Coaching is about impact. Lead with impact and the rewards and growth of your coaching business will be more than you ever dreamed of. So whether it’s a morning routine, workout, affirmations, whatever you need to do to get your mindset right is foundational to not only completing these tasks, but achieving real growth in your business.

Download the checklist below.