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[PCU Coaching Tip] Managing Your Energy for Fruitful Connections

  How do people feel when you are around them?   More specifically. How do people who have something you want, whether it be personal or professional, feel when they are interacting with you?   We ask this because often when we find ourselves around someone who has something we want, something we value, or[…]

PCU Tip – 16 Ways To Increase Motivation!

  As much as we would like to tell you that feeling motivated about what you do is constant. We don’t want to lie to you. Even when you are 1000% sure you are doing what you are supposed to be doing in the world – falling into a funk or slump – happens.   There[…]

Performance Coach University Receives it BCC Credentials!!

We are proud to announce that Performance Coach University has received it’s Board Certified Coach accreditation from the Center for Credentialing and Education. From the implementation of the program, this has been something we have worked on and towards to ensure that our coaches receive the recognition they deserve for the time and effort they put[…]

[Coaching Tips] 4 Ways To Celebrate Wins for Coaching Clients and You!

  Have you ever gone through a year, at the at the end while reflecting on that year you feel like nothing major happened? It feels like the whole year was a blur and while nothing catastrophic happened, you wouldn’t consider that year a landmark year either.     So you keep it moving, and vow for[…]

Trouble Staying Focused? Here’s How to Increase Your Attention Span!

The term, staying present, has never been more prevalent than it is now. While the concept and teachings of being present and in the moment are not new, as a society, we have more avenues for distraction than we ever have. Technology is wonderful and the advances we have made as a collective because of technology[…]

PCU Coaching Tip: 7 Steps to BRANDING Success

  How do we get prospects to become leads and then become paying clients?    The answer isn’t, tell them how awesome you are. Nor is the answer to tell them how much better you are than your competitor.    Why?   The reason is that it’s not about you. When it comes to marketing and[…]

[PCU TOOL] Why Harvard Believes Coaching is a MUST for Companies!

    You’ve been thinking of, or have already made the decision to become a coach. We have mentioned before, that coaching is in high demand – however, it is not just one on one coaching.   Implementing coaching programs or coaching training for managers for business application is on the rise as well!  […]

[PCU DOWNLOAD] Use this tool to know when to Quit vs. Move Forward!

A note from Amanda: Hi Friends! So last weekend Jairek and I were doing our morning gratitude walk and listing to Ray Dalio’s new Principles book together. I’ve really loved every chapter, but there is one part that made me stop in my tracks and take notes because it answered a question I’ve struggled with[…]

Get More Time & Freedom Back With This Coaching Tool That Is Surprisingly De-stressing Too

Ever feel overwhelmed and stressed by an endless to-do list? If so, you’re not alone. However, the fastest way to burn out, experience health concerns, and defeat, is stress. So rather than letting yourself feel overwhelmed and stressed from a to-do list, the easiest way to relieve those feelings is by “chunking down” your list. […]

[Coaching Tip] How to Stand Back Up after Tragedy Knocks You Down

  You’d probably agree that it’s easier to achieve levels of peak performance when life is going great and things are running smoothly. When working with your clients, it’s also easy to see the momentum when they are able to focus and be dedicated to their goals.   But what about when tragedy strikes? We’ve[…]